Revive your Italian Heritage

Travel to Your Ancestral Italian Hometown

Deep connection with our Italian roots is getting lost over time.

Without intentional effort, your family’s connection to their heritage could be forgotten forever.

Revive your family’s Italian identity
by taking them to your ancestral hometown


Vacation with a Purpose

Together, experience a meaningful trip you’ll remember forever.


Discover Your
Italian Family

Feast at a festive banquet with the cousins who have been waiting for you.


Invest in Your

Recapture the culture and story of your ancestors so that it will be continually remembered and retold.

Meet us!

We are Chris Centracchio and Mark D’Ambrosi.
We have an undying and joyous passion for
Italian food, family and culture!

🇮🇹 Boston University Certified in Genealogical Studies
🇮🇹 Board of Directors, Vermont Italian Cultural Association (Chris)
🇮🇹 Ancestral hometowns in Campania and Molise
🇮🇹 Mark is dual US/Italy citizen, Chris is in process
🇮🇹 Together, completed 12 trips to Italy to date

What is an “Italian Homecoming” Trip?

It is a transformative pilgrimage* to your ancestral hometown.

*pil·grim·age /ˈpilɡrəmij/ - noun - a journey to a sacred place.

Walk the same cobblestone streets your ancestors walked.

Sit down over homemade pasta and wine, laughing and singing with newly discovered cousins.

Press olive oil from the same trees of your forefathers.

Learn how to make homemade gelato and then enjoy it in the hot Italian sun.

Turn the pages of centuries-old records inscribed with your family names.

Celebrate and bond with the whole town because you have truly come home.

Your Singular Experience



Your trip is crafted to help your family re-embrace their Italian identity. Any travel agency can put together a tourist’s vacation. Italian Homecoming creates an experience so custom to your family and ancestry you will feel like you belong there.

Because you do.

In Style

From beautiful villas to authentic culinary experiences with a personal documentary capturing precious moments, your journey’s details will be full of panache as well as meaning.

You will travel in style and with deep purpose.

Three Steps To Your Journey


1. Consult

The first step is to schedule a phone consultation with us. We will answer all your questions about activities, practicalities, cost and more.


2. Design

We work closely with you and our team of genealogists, property owners, chefs, travel consultants and tour guides to craft a custom-designed itinerary to match the needs and desires of your family.


3. Come home to Italy!

You and your family experience a trip of a lifetime! We guide you on your ancestral pilgrimage while you steep in the luxurious beauty of Italy.

Free Guide:
“Five Ways to Help Your Family Embrace Their Italian Identity”

Contact us for this free guide outlining five practical ways to help your family embrace their Italian identity.

Common Questions


What if you can’t find family in Italy?

Our genealogists and Italian historians do detailed footwork to find your family in your ancestral hometown. An extensive genealogy and a history of your particular family will be unveiled to you on the trip. Even if there are no family left, we will party with the locals from your town who will treat you like you are one of their own - because you are.



While we understand investing in a lasting legacy creates value often surpassing costs, we appreciate budget considerations.

We provide payment options and provisions to discuss flexibility to fit within your means.

What if we don’t speak Italian?

You will have a guide during your entire trip who will help you communicate with one another. When in doubt, express with your hands!

What if our whole family cannot find a common time to go?

Plan this trip 6-18 months out so you are able to coordinate with all the members who would like to go. Typically, that is enough time for people to work out their schedules and for us to put together all the details of the experience.


How long is the trip?

A typical trip spans two weekends, arriving in Italy on Saturday and leaving the following Sunday. Three to five of the middle days would be spent in the ancestral town and the bookended weekends would be spent exploring surrounding areas.
However, you set the timeframe and we will design it to what you need.

Vacation with a Purpose

Discover Italian Family

Invest in your Legacy